Shield Email Control

Shield is noise-cancelling headphones for your inbox.


Shield Email Control Email Security by Mailprotector
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Email's Next Chapter: Protection Meets Productivity

In a world where we spend too much time on email, Shield steps in as more than just another filter. This is three products in one…combining intelligent inbound and outbound email protection with privacy and productivity features.

Protect Your Email with Adaptive Learning

Make an email earn its way into your inbox. Rather than assuming all emails are good, we utilize a zero-trust approach to stop all threats and noise by default. User feedback continually trains underlying AI models to bring you the most personalized, secure filtering available.


  • Zero-trust security at the core
  • A security HUD (heads up display) in every email
  • X-ray view clearly explains key sender integrity data points
  • Blocks spam, viruses, and phishing


  • Hide who you are/what you say
  • Blocks embedded spy trackers
  • Create burner addresses to keep your main email address private
  • Lock/Unlock any sensitive email from being read in your inbox


  • Protect your attention by reading less urgent emails in bundles
  • Creates a noticeably more calm inbox
  • AI-generated message summaries
  • VIP pass lets your most trusted contacts can skip sender review

It's time for a new email experience.

It’s crazy that anyone who gets (or guesses) your email can find their way into your inbox and grab your attention. The minute they send their email, it’s at the top of your inbox, in your face, buzzing your pocket or your wrist. There had to be a better way, so we built it. Say hello to Shield.

Trust or silence? The choice is yours.

Get the email you want, silence the rest

Shut the front door

The trust network is what we call the list of people you want to email. Shield utilizes a zero-trust approach to guard your inbox and attention. This means, by default, a new sender does not have permission to send a message to your inbox unless you explicitly say so. Only senders you trust can email you.

Say goodbye to all the clutter you never asked for

If you don’t want email from a sender, you can silence their messages to your archive, trash, or junk folder… right in your inbox. The creates an unbelievably calm email experience. It’s like unsubscribing before a sender even has the chance to annoy you.

Intelligence that learns from you

Use your email as you normally do, and Shield will build your trust network. You’re always in control, but as your network comes into focus, Shield moves more and more into the background. It’s adaptive learning systems will quietly and automatically continue to dial in your trust network so you only get the good stuff.

Andy Larin - allCare IT Testimonial for Shield Email Control by Mailprotector Email Security
"Email had become...useless... You get so many that you spend all day cleaning out your email. The tool that is so effective was so ineffective because of the noise. I'd almost call it life-changing because all of a sudden... the chaos is gone. My email is quiet... it calmed the chaos."
Lisa Johnson Shield Email Control Testimonial Mailprotector Email Security
Lisa Johnson
Martian Systems, Inc.
“What Mailprotector has done with Shield is a solid winner. My team appreciates what’s been done to make our email swell and not hell."
Dan Foote MSP Testimonial Shield Email Control Mailprotector Email Security
Dan Foote
DanTech Services
"Shield is revolutionary. Personally, it has cut my email box noise down by 50... almost 60 percent. One of the unique things I've found is that it's a different way to look at email. It gives you control over what you want in your inbox, which I think is very cool. When I look at products, I am really trying to simplify my stack down to a few things that I can consistently use. We get great value out of your products, and it's consistently better than what I see on the market."
Michael Gdovic 3N1 IT Consultants Testimonial Shield Email Control Mailprotector Email Security
Michael Gdovic
3N1 IT Consultants
"For a lot of us, we get zero-trust when it comes to security and firewalls, but not email. But after 3 or 4 days, I started thinking about it differently. I used to get 200 emails every day in junk and today I get 3... it was that much of a difference. It really was a wow moment; it took away more than I ever thought."
Robert Prayfrock Shield Email Control Testimonial Mailprotector Email Security
Robert Prayfrock
Cadan Technologies
Mailprotector Shield Email Security Heads Up Display

A Heads Up Display (HUD) in every email so you can be 100% sure your email is safe.

Stop wracking your brain trying to figure out if the sender of an email is legitimate or not. Shield puts a heads up display at the top of every email, so you can quickly see if there are any security issues.

Heads Up Display Microsoft Outlook 365 Inbox Email Security Mailprotector

Email forensics for everyone

The HUD gives you instant visibility into buried insights,  so anyone can confidently assess a message’s safety. 

Scenario: Let’s suppose that you receive what seems to be a legit email from your boss in Seattle, but you notice in the HUD the message actually came from Romania, so you deleted it. You just stopped a sophisticated spear phishing attack. Nice!

Practical design

  • Dynamic – each HUD can show hundreds of potential insight combinations
  • One-click secure link to X-ray for previewing the message in a safe environment
  • Doesn’t show up in forwards or replies that you send out. Only you can see it in your inbox.

Gives your inbox X-ray vision.

From the HUD, you can jump straight from any email in your inbox to X-ray for a more in-depth message analysis. X-ray lets you see way beyond the external details of a message, so anyone can get the information they need to decide for themselves if it’s safe to interact with. No admin assistance required!

Explore what you can see with X-ray:

Burner options

Keep your main email private with disposable burner addresses.

Not everyone deserves your real address

Ever hesitate to use your email to sign up for an event or offer? That’s because most of the time, once you do that, your email will be sold and shared to every marketing and sales team in your industry.

Now you can easily create burner email addresses and protect your real one. Burners can be set to expire or designated to trust or silence messages to that address however you prefer.

Goodbye spy trackers.

Stops creepy pixel trackers hiding in your email

Simply opening an email can tell the sender a lot about you. What kind of phone or computer you use, when you read email, how often you read their email, even your general physical location by looking at your IP address. This is an invasion of privacy at a minimum, but in a worst-case-scenario this can reveal critical information about how you use email to bad actors, making you more vulnerable to attack.

Shield blocks email spy trackers so senders can no longer look over your shoulder and see what you’re doing with their emails.

Shield tracker blocking

Lock sensitive email right in your inbox.

Get ahead of data loss, reputational damage, and compliance concerns. The sensitive data in your mailbox deserves an extra level of protection. When you lock these messages, their content is protected in your mailbox. Messages can only be unlocked using multi-factor authentication, so your messages are secure even if your email account is compromised. 

VIP Pass

VIP delivery to your inbox.

Decide who has instant access with no review

Want to ensure someone can get the fast-track to your inbox? Easy. With Shield, you have a custom VIP pass email address that you can give to important contacts. Whenever email is sent to this address, it will get the VIP treatment and deliver to your inbox. Of course, we still scan these messages for abuse and threats. But they don’t have to be reviewed.

Bundle less important email for later.

Some email can wait

Protect your attention throughout the day by holding unimportant emails in bundles. You set the schedule for your bundles to be delivered to your inbox at the times that work for you. They’re always nearby in a folder in your mailbox if you ever need to jump in and find something.

Plus, your Bundles folder is located conveniently in your mail client. If you want to interact with the original email, it’s already there where you normally read your email.

Schedule your bundle delivery

AI-Generated summaries save you time.

Thanks to Bundler’s helpful AI-Generated message summaries, you can quickly read through your less important email with less distraction. Plus, every message can be clicked to open the original safely right in the browser.

“Got Shield up and running yesterday, freaked out this morning because I only had a few emails and sure enough all the crap I did not need was in junk. Mailbox has never been more quiet!!!!”
Roman Steszewski MSP Mailprotector Email Security Partner Headshop
Roman Steszewski
Trailblazers Tech Solutions
Zachary Kinder - Net-Tech Consulting - Testimonail for Shield Email Control by Mailprotector Email Security

Keep exploring!

Mailprotector empowers partners with a full suite of email security and management products: