3 of the Best Ways to Create Sustainable MRR

Grow your MRR

At Mailprotector, we believe that idea sharing is critical to growth. We recently took the time to track a few revenue-boosting trends from some of our top performing MSP partners. We see partners creating sustainable MRR using these best practices:

1. Bundle Services.

Bundle your services and give clients a “good, better, and best” option. Eliminate a-la carte additions, as they tend to be harder for tech teams to manage since your customers won’t all have the same solutions. Bundling also helps with forecasting and financial projections.

We also encourage you to sell flexible tools. Pick tools with low overhead to launch and maintain. Here are the characteristics of the most flexible email security tools:

  • Require no apps or plugins to install
  • Multi-tenant and multi-user
  • No passwords

2. Establish a Security Stack.

Require clients to use your security stack. One security stack makes it easier for you to maintain and add new clients.

Clients Don’t Need Your Security Stack? Use a Waiver. Using a waiver will protect your business if a client refuses to use your suggested security offering.

3. Train Your End Users.

Training is always important to sustained success. It will have a major impact on your stickiness (and ultimately, your MRR). Multi-channel training always goes further, too. Use things like email, videos and webinars. Invest in “how to” videos, whitepapers and create continuing education courses for your customer base.

Video messaging tools like Loom make it easy for you to screen share without making a whole production out of it.

Good luck – your success is our success! Questions about how to implement some of this? We are ready to help!