Awarded “Best Partner Involvement” at ASCII Edge in Tampa

Mailprotector Wins Best Partner Involvement ASCII Edge Tampa

The ASCII Group is a premier IT Community in North America for MSPs, MSSPs, and Solution Providers. 2023 is Mailprotector’s eighth year sponsoring the MSP Conference! 

As our team assembled in sunny Tampa, we saw many familiar faces and were eager to speak with all the new MSPs we didn’t know. What was evident was the fact that the MSPs we did know, our Partners, came out to support us in a big way.

As the two-day conference wrapped up, it was an honor to hear our name called for the “Best Partner Involvement” award. Being 100% Channel means we use partner-centered thinking ahead of all else. To see that come full circle and have our Partners support us is incredible. Thank you to all of our Partners who showed up and showed their support. We can’t wait to see you at the next event, and keep doing excellent work! 

David Nankervis Mailprotector Email Security Presentation ASCII Tampa
Mailprotector Booth Swag ASCII Tampa

2023 ASCII Edge Tampa Florida MSP Vendor Awards

  • Best Partner Involvement – Mailprotector
  • Best Partner Support – Kaseya
  • Best Market Opportunity – CyberGuard360
  • Best Keynote – CyberGuard360
  • Best In Show – CyberGuard360
  • Best Education – CyberQP